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Looking Back - 1939 Collection

There is a plaque in our school which was erected in recognition of all teachers who taught in Carramore over the years. These teachers gave the gift of learning to the many pupils who were taught in the school since it opened in 1913. 




One teacher is mentioned repeatedly in 1939 Collection of Folklore by the Folklore Commission and now available online - that man is Thomas O'Hara whose name on the plaque the arrow points to. Below is a selection of the stories and some screenshots from Dúchas linking each story collected and written by the pupils in 1938-1939 from their parents and grandparents and compiled by Thomas O'Hara, their teacher in Carramore NS at the time. Each image is a direct link to that page on the Dúchas website.

Carramore NS and Dúchas

Duchas Website -


List of Essays from Carramore NS - each link is directly to those group of stories


Compiled by Thomas O'Hara in Jan 1939


© 2017 Carramore National School
Please do not copy our images without permission.

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